BEFORE YOU ENROLL in a Money 101 Education Segment, we’d like you to be aware that these classes require active participation with your screen on for the entire class. In addition, students are expected to complete homework assignments which can take up to two hours a week. If you are at a point in your life where you are stressed and pressured for time and cannot make your participation a priority – we understand. Please postpone enrollment until you are in the right place to get the most out of the experience.
IF YOU DECIDE TO ENROLL – we welcome you with open arms. Please note the below “Rules or the Road” for a successful experience.
- WELCOME LETTER – about one week before the class start, you will receive a welcome letter which includes:
- Instructor’s email address, use this for ALL communication.
- ZOOM link for the class.
- Handouts to download and print, which are unique for each segment.
- A pre-class questionnaire due back within three days (it takes 10 minutes) and is used to get a sense of your prior financial exposure.
2. TEST ZOOM – Once you have the Zoom link, please download and test ZOOM. When testing ZOOM, there will be a message saying, “The Host has not yet started the meeting,” which is normal but shows you connected. TEST that your audio and video work. If you have issues, email the instructor at least one day before class starts. Technical difficulties are exasperating when they occur during class time.
3. BE ON ZOOM by 4:25 pm Eastern Standard Time (five minutes before class starts.) To be respectful of everyones time classes start and end ON TIME.
4. QUIET ROOM – NO INTERRUPTIONS Set yourself up in a quiet room, silence your phone, and be sure others won’t disturb you. It is best NOT to mute your microphone, but that requires vigilance in eliminating background noises (including rustling papers, barking dogs, and crying toddlers).
5. VIDEO ON – Keep your video on THROUGHOUT class. If you do not have a video on your computer, this program is inappropriate for enrollment.
6. BREAKS – If you need to take a quick break, turn off your video for the few minutes you are away, and this will alert the instructor not to ask you a question.
7. NO EATING – we mention what should be obvious, that you do NOT eat during the class. Eating during class distracts the instructor and others. Having something to drink is fine.
8. VIDEO RECORDING OF CLASS – classes are recorded and sent to participants within 48 hours. However, because technical issues always arise, there are NO GUARANTEES the recordings will work. The videos are very large files, and due to storage issues, are only available for one week after class, so if you want to view them later, download the recording onto your computer.
9. ABSENCES – Material is cumulative, and you will be frustrated if you miss ANY classes. If an emergency arises and you must miss a class, watch the video before the next class so you have all the information.
10. CONFIDENTIALITY – During the sessions, participants may share personal financial information. Please keep any personal confidential; it is critical that we have trust and can share openly.
11. HOMEWORK – BOOK YOUR TIME TO COMPLETE IT IN ADVANCE – all classes have Homework. The assignments are usually sent 24 hours after a class ends and are due back via email 48 hours before the next class. When sending your homework, which usually includes an attachment – start a new email thread and put your name in the subject line. I.e., “Homework from Starla Evans after class #3. The Homework reinforces what we discuss in class; completing it will give you a much more valuable experience. However, life gets busy – so schedule a 90-minute appointment with yourself to get the homework done.
11. EMAIL ADDRESS – Your email address may be visible to the other class participants; respect your classmates, and do not email each other unless you mutually agree in class.
12. PERSONAL MEETINGS Your enrollment entitles you to UNLIMITED FREE, private ZOOM meeting with the instructor. Meetings can be used to review an assignment or discuss a personal issue. Book a private session online at under the “Private Session” tab. New students should schedule an appointment after they have completed three classes so the instructor has an opportunity to get to know them in class. The offer for a private session has no expiration date, even long after the segment ends.
13. POST-CLASS SURVEY – The sponsoring organization may send you a survey when the segment concludes. Please complete it. However, you don’t need to wait to give your opinion. If, for any reason, you are not getting value from the class, please tell the class instructor so they can adjust and give you a more rewarding experience.
14. FREE REPEAT Once you have paid for a Money 101 segment, you may take THAT segment again for FREE as an auditor (screen off) the next time it is given. However, as an auditor. In every class, there are always several auditors, and they keep their screens off. Some students have come back multiple times as auditors.
15, GRADUATION – during the summer of 2023, Money 101 held its first graduation party for the women who had completed all five segments of the program (25 classes and hours of homework). We hope they inspire you so that you can be part of the next graduating class!