Taking the Money 101 classes on Zoom LIVE is highly recommended, as the interactions with your peers are fun, and the instructor keeps you on your toes by asking lots of questions. However, sometimes, attending the live classes is not possible due to schedules.
Therefore, Money 101 Education segments are also available “on demand” so students can view the videos AT THEIR OWN PACE, also known as AYOP.
How AYOP Works
- An enrollee makes a $125 donation to the Score Foundation for a Money 101 Education segment (five classes). The donation should reference their local Score chapter. https://scorefoundation.org/donate/. NOTE – Those who paid for a live class and are switching to AYOP do NOT have to make the donation as they already paid the tuition.
2. The enrollee should email [email protected] a note indicating which Money 101 segments they want to take and sending the donation receipt. (Students are STRONGLY encouraged to start with the Foundation segment.).
3. The instructor will then send a WELCOME LETTER with a link to complete a financial literacy questionnaire on Survey Monkey.
4. Upon completion of the questionnaire, the enrollee should schedule a private meeting with the instructor so the instructor can get to know the goals. The link to schedule an appointment is here: https://calendly.com/money101education/money-101-diane-drey-private-free-consultation
5. AFTER the private meeting, the enrollee will receive the first class videos and homework assignment. The class videos are two hours long, and the homework takes a similar amount of time.
6. AYOP students may view the videos and complete the assignments at their own pace. However, experience has shown that enrollees who do not view the video and complete the assignment within two weeks tend to lose focus. Thus, it is highly recommended that students carve out time for the program (each class is a two-hour video, and assignments take about 90 minutes).
7. When the assignments are complete, they are emailed to the instructor. Students can also schedule a call if something is unclear. The instructor will review the assignments and respond to questions via email or, if appropriate, set up a Zoom call. Enrollees should anticipate a 48-hour response time to their questions. Once the instructor is confident that the enrollee has completed the assignment and understands the material, the instructor sends the next video and homework assignment in the five-class segment.
8. The above continues until the last video (#5 in the segment) is sent. Videos are only sent if the prior homework assignment is complete.
AYOP is for anyone serious about increasing their financial literacy, but is unable to attend live classes.
For more information: [email protected]